We are committed to achieving climate neutrality in the EU.
Day by day, decision by decision, it is up to us to master the path to climate neutrality. With your support we manage to make our voice louder. Together we will fight climate change and create a better environment!
Your donation enables our work for Europe and the reforms and innovations that are necessary now.
Donate today:
ERSTE Bank – Sparkasse Austria
Account: AGORA European Green Deal
Intended Use: Donation AGORA European Green Deal
IBAN: AT19 2011 1845 2012 2800
Registrationnumber AGORA EGD: NT-22489
Individual donor
As an individual supporting member of the non-profit association AGORA European Green Deal, you help us to test, intensify and optimise our activities during our start-up phase.
What can you expect as a donor of AGORA?
- access to a supportive network of peers
- inclusion in our database
- information about our activities
- direct access to knowledge, information, foresight
- the fast lane to Verena Ringler as a sparring and strategy partner
- a Welcome Package in your physical mailbox
There are three different amounts for starter boosts.
Scan the QR-Code to transfer your starter boost. Please write your full name and postal address in the payment line in order to receive your Welcome Package.
Institutional partner
What can you expect as an institutional donor and partner of AGORA?
- access to a supportive network of peers
- inclusion in our database
- information about our activities
- direct access to knowledge, information, foresight
- the fast lane to Verena Ringler as a sparring and strategy partner
- a Welcome Package in your physical mailbox
To explore and prepare your institutional partnership with AGORA European Green Deal, please contact us via info@agora-egd.eu